Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weddings While Abroad

So, today my brother got married! He is now... Oh, I guess you would still call him "Mr. Watts"
I am in Korea so I could not be at the wedding. Yes I cried. But what else is new?
From Skype though, my cousin carried me around the wedding - reception and all! It was marvelous and the wedding was beautiful. Julia (Alicia's sister) and Stephen my cousin sang phenomenally. Spelling?

After missing the wedding and seeing my relatives without me, I went to church with my host family. Did I cry there? Sure did. hahaha... ho hum. I'll write more later. It really was an amazing wedding and Alicia's dress was superb. Good pick Dj!!! ^_^

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Number 1.

Ok. I think I really will keep a journal this year mainly because... well, my friend was explaining all the fun things that have been happening to him and though I am not extremely jealous, for some reason I felt like my homestay wasn’t as cool. And then it hit me! My family and I have been doing many things these past few days but I haven’t recorded them. Yes, I remember them when I think hard but unless I write it down, it is almost certain that I will forget these things and will only have a year full of “in the moment” moments. So, I will definitely start writing down what the freak happens during a day in the life of Brian Watts in Korea. Good call and thanks for that reminder.